Who is Christine?

Aloha is a reminder to treat every person with kindness and respect

Helping every student to bloom

Christine Case-Lo has been involved with education and the Mountain View Whisman School District for 16 years, and been a resident of Mountain View for 18 years. She was the chair of the SELPA 1 Community Advisory Committee for special education, a founder and head of the Learning Challenges Committee of the Los Altos Mountain View PTA Council, a Girl Scout leader, a frequent volunteer at Mistral Elementary School, and volunteered with Project Cornerstone and Ability Awareness at multiple schools throughout the district. She has served on multiple committees for the district, including a committee looking at the joint concerns of students receiving special education and students who are English language learners, and the health and wellness committee. She has advocated in front of the School Board on a variety of topics to support all students, and especially those with learning challenges, and is ready to listen and learn from our community as a member of the School Board. She is driven to find pragmatic solutions to allow every student, regardless of the challenges they may face, to learn and thrive in our district.

Why the hibiscus flower?

The hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii. Christine’s parents met and married in Hawaii and Christine dances hula with a local hula school. The spirit of aloha is deeply important to Christine. Christine can often be seen with a flower in her hair. Aloha is more than just hello and goodbye in Hawaii – it is a statement of care for your family and your community. Christine values communication, cooperation and community involvement, and the flower is a symbol of her commitment to aloha, and to these ideas.


  • Former Chair of the SELPA 1 CAC until consolidation into North County CAC for over 8 years. This was a special education community advisory committee for Mountain View, Los Altos and Palo Alto, which served as a neutral bridge between families and administrators to allow for open communication and parent education on special education issues. The CAC provided parent education talks, resource fairs, and support groups for families of children with learning challenges. Every special education student is also a general education student
  • Founder and Head of the Learning Challenges Committee of the Los Altos Mountain View PTA Council. This group helped bring items to classrooms to help teachers and students  in Mountain View, Los Altos and the high school districts. Items like Calm Down kits, seating options, focus fidgets and more helped students during pandemic learning and beyond to be able to more fully participate in learning.
  • Served on the Specific Learner Needs Task Force and the Health and Wellness Committee for the MVWSD School District
  • Volunteer for Project Cornerstone at Mistral and Castro Elementary
  • Volunteer and session leader for Ability Awareness Week at elementary schools throughout Mountain View and Los Altos
  • Member of the Public Policy Committee of The Arc of California
  • Girl Scout leader and volunteer for broader Girl Scouts of Mountain View
  • Resident of Mountain View since 2006
  • Parent in the MVWSD district since 2007 until the present
  • Current In Home Support Services worker, member SEIU 2015

Any questions?