
Endorsements include :

SCC Democratic Party
Evolve California
DAWN – Democratic Activists for Women Now
South Bay Labor Council
Democrats for Public Education
Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club
Jewish Democratic Coalition of the Bay Area
  • Representative Anna Eshoo, Congresswoman for the 16th District
  • Laura Casas, Trustee at Foothill DeAnza Community College District
  • Lisa Matichak, Vice Mayor, City of Mountain View
  • Lucas Ramirez, Mountain View City Councilmember
  • Jessica Speiser, Los Altos School District Trustee and Candiate for Santa Clara County Board of Education
  • Thida Cornes, MVLA High School District Trustee
  • Catherine Vonnegut, MVLA High School District Trustee
  • Mike Kasperzak, former City Council member
  • Ellen Wheeler, retired member of the MVWSD Board of Trustees
  • IdaRose Sylvester, Vice Chair Human Relations Commission and Candidate for Mountain View City Council
  • Jose Gutierrez, former MVWSD Board member and Candidate for Mountain View City Council
  • Chris Chiang, former member of MVWSD Board of Trustees
  • and many wonderful parents and volunteers throughout Mountain View

“You absolutely have my endorsement! I love the work you have done as a parent and leader.”

Jessica Speiser, Los Altos School District Trustee and Candidate for Santa Clara County Board of Education Trustee

“Christine has been helping kids at MVWSD for many years. She’s collaborative and gets things done. She really cares about inclusion, including numerous donation drives to get teachers what they need in the classroom, helping Spanish Speaking families get the help they need.”

Thida Cornes, MVLA Trustee

“Christine’s years of dedicated service to the MVWSD school community makes her an ideal candidate for the board. She has the institutional knowledge of how the district works to provide valuable leadership on day one.”

Jill Rakestraw, Chamber of Commerce Ambassador

“Christine has deep understanding of our community’s strengths and challenges. She will be a tireless advocate for District students and families. I enthusiastically support her run for MVWSD Trustee.”

Sara Kopit-Olson, Parent in MVWSD

“Christine has exceptional experience for School Board through her work with children and program management. She is organized, detail oriented, diligent, and thoughtful. She has deep understanding of neurodiversity and how to support a broad range of students. She is a practical problem solver and will find common ground to unite the district around solutions that will work for students, parents, teachers, and administrators.”

Anna Botelho, Landels and Graham Middle School Parent

“Christine was a valuable member of the Mistral PTA during her years at the school, leading the Community Support and Wellness committees. She demonstrated amazing dedication to teachers, students, and families. I have no doubt she would bring the same commitment to the school board.”

Anna Soland, Community Volunteer and active Mistral Parent

“Christine is one of the most sincere, hardworking, community building women I have met. In the 8 years I have known her, she has worked tirelessly at the school and classroom level. She is well-informed, and a just person. I trust that Christine will make the right choices for our students.

Antara Brahma, Arts Educator, Mountain View

“Hi Lisa (Henry), Erin (Davis-Hung), and Christine (Case-Lo) – I’m writing to you all together tonight so you jointly know that I have decided to endorse all 3 of you for MVWSD board of trustees. I think the 3 of you together will work responsibly for the health of our school district and our kids.

Ellen Wheeler, retired member of the MVWSD Board of Trustees

“Christine is an amazing advocate for all our children, deeply understanding the needs of all our families. I have worked with Christine on many community organizing events and lobbying for education, and she is organized, passionate, and never tires in her support of all students.”

IdaRose Sylvester, Vice Chair, Human Relations Commission (for identification purposes only)

“As a parent and PTA leader in the MVWSD I have known and worked with Christine for 7 years. Christine is selflessly committed to students and families in our district and beyond. She’s a champion for students and families who don’t always have resources or a voice in our school systems. She would make an exceptional School Board Trustee.”

Trish Gilbert, MVWSD Parent and community volunteer

“Christine Case-Lo is a compassionate, determined advocate for the community. Everything she touches becomes better and more inclusive.

Theresa Mecklenborg, Parent in MVWSD

“Christine’s been hands on involving parent. I known Christine by being same school parents. I think Christine is great candidate to work for our children to benefit.”

Saruul Barrios, Resident of MV

“I have known Christine for more than seventeen years now. I have never met someone so dedicated for the well being of ALL the students regardless of their culture, social economic status or abilities. She is tireless and has shown us that nothing stops her to defend the rights of the students especially the minorities. It is a privilege to know Christine, work with her, and to endorse her for a seat at the Board of Trustees where I know she will do great things for all..”

Claire Quesnel-Oueini, community volunteer, parent and librarian

“Of all the candidates, Christine has the longest
experience in the district. Christine also openly and kindly engages
with everyone in the parent community, even those she may disagree
with. Her long period of advocating for students in MVWSD and
facts-driven approach prepare her to provide proper oversight to
MVWSD. Her experience advocating for students needing learning
supports is especially welcome given the district’s large role and
budget in this area. MVWSD will be a more inclusive place where all
students belong with her on the school board.”

Christopher Chiang, former member MVWSD Board of Trustees